Friday, July 24, 2009

Ras Tanura

Today we went down to Ras Tanura beach. This is another Aramco site about an hour from main camp, it's really pretty down there, there seems to have a more relaxed pace too. Got the bus at 9am with Maggie, Amanda, Julie and Paget, we met Jo down there who flew over with Amanda, Julie and Paget, and works down there.

Lovely, relaxed day it was a real tonic and bit of a break from main camp. The beach was pretty empty and there is always quite strong breeze down there, so the heat isn't too mad. Still got a bit burnt, the whole breeze/water thing is deceptive but it was great just to be outside with the breeze and the sand and to swim. Reckon will be coming down here more often! wish i could bring the cat but think she'd just be fed up.
This is Maggie, Jo and Amanda.
Below is view of the beach - it's lovely, very windswept and a bit like Malaysia. If any consolation, looking the other way you can see the main masts of the refinery so bit like bathing at Grangemouth!
This is one for Sus and Nick- remember cuttle fish? i haven't seen them since about 1972, a bit like the Bugles. you prob get these all over but was a right blast from the past picking them up along the beach.

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